“Diana’s very presence bestows wisdom. The energy she gives off is manna, sacred food for the spirit, energy that is alive and informs. Diana assists beings in finding their essential relationship with creation. She is a liberator releasing whatever energy is denied or trapped.”

— Ariel Spilsbury, author Mayan Oracle and Gaia’s New Dream Coat and founder of 13 Moon Mystery School

Diana DuBrow is a living treasure — a rare and precious elder in our 13 Moon temple community. Diana has offered her Priestess counsel in retreats and trainings for over 40 years. Through her Emerald Temple, she offers the incredible gift of sacred anointing.

I have had the amazing pleasure of receiving the bounty of her deep wisdom and gnosis with anointing; she has personally assisted me in some of my most challenging life transitions, including the miscarriage of my baby.

She has a fearless, compassionate heart with a rare and potent combination of divinity and humanity that takes your breath away…So when I started dreaming into this pilgrimage, I received very clear guidance to invite her to join us so that we can weave her amazing offerings into our sacred time together.

Since coming together in this vision, we have been co-creating the itinerary of this amazing journey.

— Elayne Kalila Sophia Rose, Priestess Presence.com

Immersing myself in the profound mystical container Diana creates transformed and opened my life in ways beyond any imagination.  The scents, anointing and being anointed, RE-MEMBERED me, opened and connected me to an ancientness within, unlocking wisdom I did not know I embodied. The potency of anointing with Emerald Temple oils takes one beyond the conscious mind.  Anointing with these oils I found all the forces of creativity, love and beauty captured in scent.  Deeply supportive it is a gift of PURE LOVE.   

Being RE-MEMBERED in this ancient traditional practice was to reclaim and unite with a sacred lineage of sisterhood and wisdom, a knowing deep within what we as women have transmitted over and over throughout time. What Diana gifted me through the Scent Priestess apprenticeship is an ancient connection to collective love and service.  I bow down in humble gratitude for her remembrance and offering.

— Juliana Panger, Scent Priestess

Why delve into the world of Sacred Anointing and being a Scent Priestess? For me, the simple answer was because the work called me. I have always had a deep love of plants and the sensuality of fragrance, but had no idea of the depth of power, intelligence and relationship available through essential oils. The apprenticeship to become a Scent Priestess, taught me the subtle and uniquely powerful healing nature of plant spirits. I learned several sacred traditions of anointing as forms of embodied prayer, as well as the energetic practices to hold and channel the healing mystery and divinely loving container for the work. In addition to being able to offer these Holy services to others, the transformational process of initiation awakened aspects of my essential being that enrich my life and all those whom I encounter.

— Susan San Tara, Scent Priestess and Somatic Counselor

I have had the good fortune of knowing Diana DuBrow, over the course of a decade. Each interaction has brought me and greater pleasure & connection, she is one of my living treasures on Earth. Receiving an anointing from her is one of the most soul penetrating and nourishing experiences I have known. When she first shared her vision to teach her work to others, I had not one single moment of hesitation regarding doing it, even though I had no idea where the funds to cover the cost would come from. As all things of clear intent and heart do, the way was shown.

I can honestly say the Scent Priestess apprenticeship gave me an entirely new and expanded sense of self, and a taste of the infinite awareness one can access through holy oils and loving intention. The practices she shares are the embodiment of a life of loving service mingled with lifetimes of intuitive awareness. The consciousness she radiates and the field of intention she sets for the work we do invites only the highest expression of self, while the oils work upon our remembrance of so much more. Oh, and as a bonus – prepare to make some new friends, this work attracts wonderfully shining spirits.

While I am still a novice in many respects, the anointings I offer have become a consistent source of joy for me and before it sounds completely selfish…I will also mention that they have also been a source of deep peace, and emotional as well as physical healing for the recipients.

I say run…don’t walk – to sign up for this, it will exceed your expectations!

—Rosanna Ferrera

Participating in the Scent Priestess training with Diana DuBrow has profoundly changed my life. I awakened to scents and now they are a part of my daily life! They are a tool in my Priestess bag that i never knew was missing and now scents are one of the primary tools I use to directly connect within myself and with a beloved. in the training, I also discovered my inner alchemist and now regularly create my own oils. it’s extremely satisfying & empowering! it’s as if i rediscovered a part of myself that had been slumbering for a long time, a deep wisdom of the power of anointing that emerged and continues to nourish me sensually and spiritually.

I am a devoted Scent Priestess and am in eternal gratitude to Diana as the graceful and evocative opener of this way.

—Elana Auerbach